{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This feature class/shapefile contains nursing and assisted care facilities for the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) database. https://gii.dhs.gov/HIFLD\n\n**** In April, 2024, MARIS staff extracted the Mississippi portion of this dataset. They then projected the shapefile into MSTM ***", "description": "
The Nursing Home / Assisted Care feature class/shapefile contains facilities that house elderly adults. This feature class\u2019s/shapefile's attribution contains physical and demographic information for facilities in the continental United States and some of its territories. The purpose of this feature class/shapefile is to provide accurate locations for high concentrations of elderly adults in the event of a disaster. The attribution within this feature class/shapefile was populated via open source methodologies of authoritative sources. During the update cycle for this deliverable, there were 905 records added and 407 facility closures.<\/SPAN><\/P> **** In April, 2024, MARIS staff extracted the Mississippi portion of this dataset. They then projected the shapefile into MSTM ***<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"summary": "This feature class/shapefile contains nursing and assisted care facilities for the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) database. https://gii.dhs.gov/HIFLD\n\n**** In April, 2024, MARIS staff extracted the Mississippi portion of this dataset. They then projected the shapefile into MSTM ***",
"title": "MS Nursing Homes 2024",
"tags": [
"homeland security",
"facility characteristics",
"continuing care",
"nursing home",
"rest home",
"rest home",
"nursing home",
"skilled nursing",
"continuing care",
"elderly care",
"retirement community",
"continuing care",
"rest home",
"facility characteristics",
"emergency response",
"homeland security",
"assisted living",
"skilled nursing",
"rest home",
"facility characteristics",
"homeland defense",
"homeland security",
"nursing home",
"facility characteristics",
"elderly care",
"homeland defense",
"continuing care",
"emergency response",
"continuing care",
"assisted living",
"retirement community",
"elderly care",
"emergency response",
"rest home",
"rest home",
"continuing care",
"skilled nursing",
"homeland security",
"nursing home",
"retirement community",
"nursing home",
"homeland security",
"assisted living",
"elderly care",
"elderly care",
"retirement community",
"homeland security",
"emergency response",
"nursing home",
"facility characteristics",
"emergency response",
"homeland security",
"homeland defense",
"skilled nursing",
"emergency response",
"homeland defense",
"rest home",
"skilled nursing",
"facility characteristics",
"emergency response",
"nursing home",
"rest home",
"skilled nursing",
"elderly care",
"facility characteristics",
"assisted living",
"elderly care",
"nursing home",
"facility characteristics",
"continuing care",
"homeland security",
"homeland defense",
"emergency response",
"skilled nursing",
"homeland security",
"retirement community",
"emergency response",
"retirement community",
"nursing home",
"skilled nursing",
"continuing care",
"facility characteristics",
"rest home",
"assisted living",
"skilled nursing",
"rest home",
"facility characteristics",
"continuing care",
"rest home",
"rest home",
"rest home",
"homeland defense",
"nursing home",
"nursing home",
"retirement community",
"homeland security",
"elderly care",
"facility characteristics",
"homeland security",
"rest home",
"retirement community",
"nursing home",
"emergency response",
"homeland defense",
"continuing care",
"assisted living",
"rest home",
"skilled nursing",
"retirement community",
"elderly care",
"homeland security",
"emergency response",
"facility characteristics",
"nursing home",
"skilled nursing",
"assisted living",
"continuing care",
"skilled nursing",
"assisted living",
"retirement community",
"retirement community",
"retirement community",
"emergency response",
"retirement community",
"nursing home",
"homeland defense",
"elderly care",
"retirement community",
"emergency response",
"facility characteristics",
"nursing home",
"elderly care",
"continuing care",
"elderly care",
"assisted living",
"emergency response",
"assisted living",
"assisted living",
"elderly care",
"continuing care",
"retirement community",
"assisted living",
"rest home",
"continuing care",
"facility characteristics",
"retirement community",
"retirement community",
"emergency response",
"skilled nursing",
"homeland defense",
"elderly care",
"retirement community",
"homeland defense",
"assisted living",
"homeland defense",
"nursing home",
"facility characteristics",
"homeland defense",
"nursing home",
"elderly care",
"continuing care",
"homeland defense",
"continuing care",
"facility characteristics",
"homeland security",
"assisted living",
"rest home",
"assisted living",
"assisted living",
"skilled nursing",
"homeland defense",
"elderly care",
"emergency response",
"homeland defense",
"homeland defense",
"homeland security",
"skilled nursing",
"rest home",
"homeland security",
"assisted living",
"continuing care",
"skilled nursing",
"emergency response",
"elderly care",
"continuing care",
"facility characteristics",
"homeland defense",
"retirement community",
"nursing home",
"emergency response",
"skilled nursing",
"homeland defense",
"homeland security",
"skilled nursing",
"homeland security",
"homeland defense",
"rest home",
"facility characteristics",
"facility characteristics",
"assisted living",
"nursing home",
"elderly care",
"emergency response",
"homeland security",
"assisted living",
"elderly care",
"continuing care",
"homeland security",
"skilled nursing"
"type": "",
"typeKeywords": [],
"thumbnail": "",
"url": "",
"minScale": 150000000,
"maxScale": 5000,
"spatialReference": "",
"accessInformation": "Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team, MARIS",
"licenseInfo": " None (Public Use). Users are advised to read the data set's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"portalUrl": ""