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Item Information

snippet: MS Circuit Court Districts - 2005
summary: MS Circuit Court Districts - 2005
extent: [[-91.7375075455963,30.1607324487079],[-88.095839961715,35.0055297453947]]
accessInformation: MS PEER Committee, MARIS
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Data set of MS Circuit Court Districts created in 2005 by the MS Standing Joint Legislative Committee on Reapportionment. Attribute DistrictID that contains the actual district number was added April 2010 by the PEER staff.
licenseInfo: none
title: MS_CircuitCourtDistricts_2005
type: Map Service
tags: ["political","courts","boundaries"]
culture: en-US
name: MS_CircuitCourtDistricts_2005
guid: FC6E1EDB-595D-4566-8EB8-DED4D19DD337
spatialReference: mstm