ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Layer: MS_EasementAreas_2021 (ID: 0)

Name: MS_EasementAreas_2021

Display Field: Admin_Area

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: Easement centroids and boundaries are available with program name, administrative state, easement closing date, easement length, easement acres, method of boundary capture and scale of capture.

Service Item Id: 6e30ce9c9e894a0a91963c22dc610742

Copyright Text: NRCS The Public Access Easement Boundary Dataset follows the Federal Geospatial Data Committee guidance that includes the Geospatial Data Lifecycle, which outlines seven stages agencies should use when developing, managing, and reporting on nationally significant datasets under the auspices of OMB Circular A-16. The stages, associated with the management of the data lifecycle, allow stakeholders to assess whether A-16 data production activities meet business requirements and utilize best practices that enable shared or common services.

Default Visibility: true

MaxRecordCount: 1000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Advanced Queries: false

Supports Statistics: false

Has Labels: false

Can Modify Layer: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: false

HasM: false

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field: null

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Attachments   Query Analytic   Generate Renderer   Return Updates

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