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snippet: Public Access Easement Boundary Dataset for MS - 2021
summary: Public Access Easement Boundary Dataset for MS - 2021
extent: [[-91.6716738183145,30.5365208027498],[-88.3691184613715,34.941705952329]]
accessInformation: FGDC
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The Public Access Easement Boundary Dataset follows the Federal Geospatial Data Committee guidance that includes the Geospatial Data Lifecycle, which outlines seven stages agencies should use when developing, managing, and reporting on nationally significant datasets under the auspices of OMB Circular A-16. The stages, associated with the management of the data lifecycle, allow stakeholders to assess whether A-16 data production activities meet business requirements and utilize best practices that enable shared or common services.
licenseInfo: none
title: MS_EasementAreas_2021
type: Map Service
tags: ["borders","easement"]
culture: en-US
name: MS_EasementAreas_2021
guid: 71839273-B226-4D9E-B740-E39FA4A60880
spatialReference: NAD_1983_Mississippi_TM