Name: MS_SourceWaterProtectionAreas_July2024
Display Field: PWS_ID
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Source water protection areas for Mississippi as developed by the MS Department of Environmental QualityEPA states:The first step in completing a source water assessment (SWA) is to delineate (or map) the land area that contributes water to the drinking water supply and where pollution from human activities or natural sources poses the greatest threat to source water quality. This delineated area is often called a source water protection area (SWPA) or zone of concern. The SWPA designates the area within which a water system will conduct a potential contaminant source inventory (Step 2).The size of the SWPA may vary based on a variety of hydrogeological, environmental, regulatory, and management factors. Methods for delineating groundwater sources can differ widely from those for delineating surface water sources. Whether surface or groundwater source, it is important to regularly evaluate and redefine SWPAs and zones to account for land use changes, water monitoring data, and new information.Water systems can ask for help when completing delineations. State public health and environmental agencies, federal agencies (e.g., the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), United States Geological Survey (USGS), or EPA), state cooperative extension services, water associations, conservation districts, universities, and private organizations may all provide technical assistance and/or data to complete delineations. Source -**** In July 2024, MARIS recieved this dataset from The Geospatial Group being contracted by MS DEQ Land and Water Resources Division.
Service Item Id: 6295ec52128e422f984f1ba479df068d
Copyright Text: MS Department of Environmental Quality Land and Water Resources Division, The Geospatial Group, MARIS
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XMin: 335642.5647794936
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XMax: 645158.4806483155
YMax: 1576529.5800345934
Spatial Reference: 102609
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type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area
Supported Operations:
Query Attachments
Query Analytic
Generate Renderer
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