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snippet: MS Public Broadcasting Towers 2011
summary: MS Public Broadcasting Towers 2011
extent: [[-90.789313953703,30.7537521256484],[-88.7514707848832,34.6710294545665]]
accessInformation: MARIS staff created this dataset in 2011 from locations from Pete Walley of the IHL staff. Points were entered into MS Excel to generate a shapefile in April 2011 by MARIS staff. Then points were refined using countywide 2ft resolution 2006 MDEM imagery. Base elevation calculated from the MARIS 10 meter DEM.
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: MS Public Broadcasting transmission tower locations.
licenseInfo: none
title: MS_PublicBroadcastingTowers_2011
type: Map Service
tags: ["communication","television","stucture"]
culture: en-US
name: MS_PublicBroadcastingTowers_2011
guid: D8885EBC-F9A7-4811-A3DF-1BAD9FE3717B
spatialReference: mstm